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While TCA is a Christian school, we do not limit our curriculum to what is published specifically for Christian schools (Abeka, BJU, etc.).  We believe that our curriculum should address what best meets the academic needs of our school and promotes student achievement.  Therefore, we use a combination of Christian and secular curricula under a standards-based approach to learning.  Since we serve students from a three state area, our goal is to meet the standards set by all three states.  With administration approval, teachers choose the curriculum and present it to their students in accordance with the objectives and philosophy of the school.

Pupil Promotion/Retention

Promotion Policy: In grades K-8, students shall be promoted to the next grade level upon satisfactory completion of the previous grade level.  If a student has received a failing grade in any two of the major subject areas (Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies), he/she may be retained unless conferences between teacher, parent, and administration determine that it would be detrimental to the child.  If the child receives a failing grade in one major subject area, he will be promoted but will be enrolled under academic probation the following year.  Students in Grades 9-12 who receive a failing final grade for a course receive no credit for that course and, if a requirement to graduate, must repeat it and pass it in order to receive credit.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent/Teacher Conferences may be scheduled at any time throughout the school year at the request of the parent or the teacher.  These conferences should be scheduled in advance.  “Drop-in” conferences before, after, or during school are not permitted as teachers may have other professional duties at those times and should be given time to prepare for the conference.

Kindergarten kids in Dr Seuss hats


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