As I look back at the past two years at Tri-State, I realize again God has answered prayer for me. I was a single parent raising my seven children, it was a struggle every day. Now that my children are grown, God has given me the responsibility of raising my granddaughter. She is a blessing and TCA has allowed me to share God’s blessings in my life with her. Everybody is caring, kind, and encouraging there. They have God’s love at the heart of all they do. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to send [my granddaughter] there. TCA is a great way to share God’s love and grace in many ways.
Thank you for blessing many lives,
~TCA Grandparent
TCA has been an amazing blessing in our family. I prayed for two years about our children going to a Christian school, as an education centered around the Lord is very important to me. The teachers, students, and faculty are one big family. My daughter will be getting baptized this weekend and I know that would not be possible if not for TCA and the amazing role models she has for teachers! As a parent, it is the most important commitment she will ever make and God has certainly used TCA to make this possible!
We struggle financially, yet they have made it a priority to make sure my children can still attend. TCA has impacted my life, my children’s lives, as well as my niece’s and mother’s in such an awesome way! My daughter was quiet and shy when she started attending in 7th grade. She has come out of her shell and absolutely loves school. My son and niece benefit from the small class sizes, whether they need more help or can be pushed ahead, they can work at their own pace. The teachers are patient, kind, loving, yet demanding of respect! [My children] have made life-long friends, and so have I. I am grateful for the opportunity to send my children there and am looking forward to the years to come!
Thank you,
~TCA parent
One of the most impactful times of my life was when I started attending Tri-State Christian Academy in the 7th grade. I was so nervous and scared about meeting my classmates and everybody tried to make me feel welcome, and in only a couple of weeks, I felt completely comfortable.
Now as a rising 10th grader, Tri-State is not only my school, but it’s also like my home. And everybody there, the students and the teachers, are like my family. A lot of people say that I’ve changed since I’ve been there, and I do believe that God has transformed me through the school.
Also, when my family is having financial issues, TCA makes it possible for us to continue to attend. This is such a blessing because, there, I can learn, be encouraged, grow in God, and have Christian fellowship and friendships that may last a lifetime.
I love TCA and everybody there and can’t wait to go back this fall!
~TCA Student
Our family has been faithfully sending our children to Tri-State Christian Academy since 2010. We have one child who graduated in 2016, another [graduated] in 2020, and two more who will be attending for many years to come.
As a trained professional in the field of education, I have held positions requiring oversight of schools, district-wide departments, personnel, and finances. I have experience in analyzing performance data. I have experience evaluating teachers. With that being said, I have no reservations with sending my children to TCA. In fact, I truly believe the overall environment provides for every academic, social, and spiritual need for my children, despite the disparity in funding available to the public school system.
The education provided at TCA is rigorous, yet considers the current level and abilities of the individual student. This was a great need for our family when we first arrived at TCA. Individualized support was available and implemented successfully to ensure the success of my children. Communication occurs on a daily basis through multiple methods: e-mail, online grade book, text messaging, and voice calls. The teachers demonstrate a genuine love and concern for their students each day and that is constantly communicated to the parents.
In addition, my children have enjoyed the opportunity to participate in interscholastic athletics, such as volleyball and basketball. My children have also traveled with their classmates on educational trips, local and distant, and even had the opportunity to participate in overseas mission trips with cooperating churches. It is my opinion that my children have not “missed out” on anything by attending a small Christian school, but rather have been blessed beyond measure for choosing TCA. As parents, we are blessed to have Tri-State Christian Academy available for our children.
~TCA Parent
Five years ago, my spouse and I faced a difficult decision. Would we continue to homeschool our four children, or could we entrust their education to a school? After six years of homeschooling, I was burnt out and our kids were ready for something more. We were all seeking an oasis in what felt like a never-ending desert.
We knew that if we were going to send our kids to school, it had to be a Christian school. We wanted to find a place that would provide our children with a high-quality education, centered on the Word of God. We needed a place that was affordable. We prayed for a place that would see our children as more than just names on a page.
We looked at a few Christian schools in the area but could not find a perfect match. There just was not an affordable school that was committed to providing students a high-quality Christian education. We prayed for wisdom and sought counsel from trusted friends, and at just the right time, we found Tri-State Christian Academy.
We made the decision to enroll our four children at Tri-State in Kindergarten, 2nd, 4th, and 6th grade. I would love to say that I never hesitated about the decision, but I would be lying. Up to the second they stepped out of the car on the first day, I was hesitant. I was scared. Would they really get the education that they need? Would their teachers really care for them? Was this a big mistake?
Five years later, our children are thriving. They have grown academically and spiritually. We have conversations about the things they are learning in Science and Bible, in Math and Reading, in Music and History. Our children learn more every day about Jesus and the amazing love that He has for each of them. They have teachers and friends who love them, they play sports they love, and they are part of an incredible school community.
Tri-State Christian Academy is our oasis, our answer to prayer. We found a place where our children belong and where they are loved deeply. We are better off because of our Tri-State family. We look expectantly to the day when each of our children graduates from Tri-State, and we are confident that they will be prepared for what God has in store for each of their lives. Our hope is that many more families will have the opportunity to have the same experience.
Thank you,
~TCA parent
I became a parent at Tri-State Christian Academy 15 years ago. My oldest son graduated from TCA and is currently attending college. My other 2 sons have attended TCA. This school provides many options for students academically, as well as extra-curricular activities. The small classrooms allow teachers to set students at a multi-level instruction. Multi-level instruction provides a successful atmosphere for each individual student within the required standards and recognizes the diverse characteristics of how each student learns. There is more individual time, as needed. We are also thankful that the students are well taken care of, as if they are part of a family. We support TCA in all that they do and look forward to many more years together.
In Him,
~TCA Parent
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to write about our family’s experience with Tri-State Christian Academy and what the school means to us. All three of my kids have been attending TCA since kindergarten and Lord willing, will all graduate from school.
My oldest graduated last year and is going into his sophomore year at the University of Pittsburgh. This past spring he made Dean’s List and is on track to graduate in three and a half years. [My second oldest] is going to be a senior this year at TCA. She will be playing volleyball this fall and continually works on her art. Academically, she continues to excel. After graduation, she is planning on furthering her education. We have just started [looking at] colleges and universities in the area. [My youngest] is entering his sophomore year. He consistently makes the Principal’s honor roll and enjoys playing basketball. At this time, he has expressed interest in college, but like most 15 year olds, is not sure of what course of study he wants to pursue.
While all three have done well academically, I see the greatest gift that this school has provided is the spiritual guidance and growth they have gotten while attending TCA. As you know, we suffered a family crisis [a few] years ago when my marriage broke up. The staff and teachers of TCA were there, along with their friends and fellow students, to help them with the pain and confusion that comes with divorce and broken homes. I’m convinced that without the strong foundation and faith in Christ, and without the love of TCA, my kids would have suffered [more], and may have been led into temptation they may not have been able to overcome in a secular school.
TCA has also blessed me by helping us with the financial hardships that come with divorce by providing scholarships for my kids' education that allowed them to stay at the school. Without this help, and based on the different places they have lived in the past eight years, they would have been to at least three other school districts and [would] have lost the support of friends and teachers they needed for them to get through these tough times. TCA has been a constant in their lives, and it shows as my children have grown and continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord. I for one am eternally grateful.
Thank you again for allowing me to share this.
~TCA Parent
When I was asked to write about our experience at Tri-State Christian Academy I was so honored and blessed by the opportunity to do so. The reason is because it truly has changed my life, my children’s [lives], and really my whole family. What a journey God has placed us on because of this wonderful school and the people involved in it.
This first time I discovered this school was through the consignment sale they offer to the public twice a year. At that time it was held at the school's gym. Some wonderful people offered to let my mother and I take a quick guided tour of the school. It wasn’t the school's looks or the fact that the people were so friendly but it was that I felt God’s presence right there in the halls and I wanted my kids to feel that also. So from that day on, I said I don’t know how but I want my kids here. That was almost 10 years ago.
Fast forwarding to the future, about 4 years later unfortunately my husband, at the time, and their father, had left us. Going through all that and entering into college for nursing, after being a stay-at-home mom, was a bit overwhelming. I had no income and was trying to support us and get a higher education so we could be on our own. Thankfully, with a great supportive and praying family, we made it. God is so good.
Among many of the worries in my life at the time, I wanted so badly for my girls to be in this school, because I knew this was what they, and I, both needed. My oldest daughter was now old enough to enter into school so as God does, He blessed us with a way, through the school's [scholarships]. I was, and still am, beyond grateful for this. This one step changed our whole lives. Since then I finished nursing and I am now remarried to the most wonderful Christian man God has blessed me with. My kids have been able to healthily grow through their hard times. This was because of the supportive environment through the school’s teachers, principal, and all [of the] staff provided, and my girls are now prospering psychologically, academically, and spiritually because of it.
I prayed while I was in nursing school that if I graduate and pass I wanted my services to be used somehow at the school. I wanted to use my gifts to somehow repay God and the people who made it possible for my kids to be there. The next school year after I graduated and passed my boards I started volunteering on all my days off work and that’s where my journey begins.
God blessed my prayers … I can’t thank Him enough. I developed some deeply strong friendships at the school that I needed so very much ... They are there for my girls and I anytime we need them. They have supported me 100% in anything, and most of all, [they take] time out of their busy schedules just to stop and pray with me and/or my girls.
I could not express to you enough what it really, truly means for my girls, and now me, to be able to go to TCA. Thanks to the support [this] school gets to bring families in who may not get a chance otherwise. This is what God wants for us... so that there are more success stories to see happen. God always makes a way but it’s up to us to give Him that chance, and I am deeply grateful someone did that for us.
~TCA Parent